Md State Employee Salaries
Md State Employee Salaries - Maryland department of public safety and correctional services recruitment employees: The average employee earns. The fte counts do not include vacant positions. The baltimore metro area includes: Find the average and median salaries of maryland state employees by employer and year. Search for teacher, police, health, and other government workers in maryland by name or school. This page describes the compensation for state government officeholders in maryland. Click here for more information on the 2025 census and here. This is a selective archive of public salary information compiled by the baltimore sun media group over the years. Please choose a data set from the lists below. The average employee salary for the state of maryland in 2025 was $59,662. This is 16. 8 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 14. 0 percent lower than other. We have 6,264 maryland state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in maryland is $49,842 and median salary is $49,214. Search for teacher salaries, county salaries, university salaries, and more. The salary plan lists the title, class code and salary information for all state job classes. The salary plan is split alphabetically into a number of documents based on class name. We have 404,950 maryland state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in maryland is $58,495 and median salary is $55,035. Step increases are not guaranteed and are contingent on funding in the state budget. Led by coaches, doctors and administrators, the 50 people the state paid that most in 2025 all worked for maryland universities. Only five are women and almost three quarters of. In 2023 the state of maryland reported 10,008 employees making more than $100,000 per year; The average salary was $72,936. The highest reported pay for the state was $516,000 for olga. The average employee salary for the state of maryland in 2025 was $68,415. This is 4. 6 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 1. 4 percent lower than other. The state salary plan lists the job title, class code, salary, and other attributes for job classifications within the state personnel management system, as of july 1, 2025. It also pays 60% of your lost wages after you miss more than three days of work.
Maryland department of public safety and correctional services recruitment employees: The average employee earns. The fte counts do not include vacant positions. The baltimore metro area includes: Find the average and median salaries of maryland state employees by employer and year. Search for teacher, police, health, and other government workers in maryland by name or school. This page describes the compensation for state government officeholders in maryland. Click here for more information on the 2025 census and here. This is a selective archive of public salary information compiled by the baltimore sun media group over the years. Please choose a data set from the lists below. The average employee salary for the state of maryland in 2025 was $59,662. This is 16. 8 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 14. 0 percent lower than other. We have 6,264 maryland state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in maryland is $49,842 and median salary is $49,214.