How Many Dollar Tree Plus Stores Are There

How Many Dollar Tree Plus Stores Are There - As of 2025, dollar tree operates over 500 dollar tree plus stores across the united states. These stores are strategically located in major metropolitan areas, suburban districts,. There are still limits, as we’ll see in a moment, but it makes dollar tree look somewhat more like other, less extreme dollar stores. Dollar tree plus started out as a pilot. Dollar tree now has more than 16,000 stores. For perspective, walmart operates 4,684 stores in the u. s. There are dollar tree and/or family dollar stores in all 48 contiguous. In recent years, dollar tree has introduced a new concept called dollar tree plus, which offers select items priced above one dollar. In this article, we will explore the number of. As of 2025, there are over 300 dollar tree plus locations across the united states. Here are some of the top states with the most dollar tree plus stores: There are now more than 32,000 dollar store locations in the us. By 2025, given how aggressive these companies are, the number of dollar store locations could increase by. If you are already on the dollar tree website, you can click on the “select a store” area at the top of the page. As of 2025, there were over 38,000 dollar stores across the united states, an increase of roughly 4,000 since 2025. Here are the key details of dollar tree locations in each us state: Number of states with a location: Dollar tree added the plus range to 1,805 more stores in 2025 and plans similar growth for 2023. Nearly a third of its stores now sell dollar tree plus products. One of the easiest ways to find a dollar tree plus store is to conduct an online search.

As of 2025, dollar tree operates over 500 dollar tree plus stores across the united states. These stores are strategically located in major metropolitan areas, suburban districts,. There are still limits, as we’ll see in a moment, but it makes dollar tree look somewhat more like other, less extreme dollar stores. Dollar tree plus started out as a pilot. Dollar tree now has more than 16,000 stores. For perspective, walmart operates 4,684 stores in the u. s. There are dollar tree and/or family dollar stores in all 48 contiguous. In recent years, dollar tree has introduced a new concept called dollar tree plus, which offers select items priced above one dollar. In this article, we will explore the number of. As of 2025, there are over 300 dollar tree plus locations across the united states. Here are some of the top states with the most dollar tree plus stores: There are now more than 32,000 dollar store locations in the us. By 2025, given how aggressive these companies are, the number of dollar store locations could increase by. If you are already on the dollar tree website, you can click on the “select a store” area at the top of the page. As of 2025, there were over 38,000 dollar stores across the united states, an increase of roughly 4,000 since 2025.

How Many Dollar Tree Plus Stores Are There