Churchofjesuschrist Org Donations
Churchofjesuschrist Org Donations - Automated donations simplify the donation process for donors. Transactions can be changed or stopped at any time. Learn how to use online donations and have access to your donation history, submit a tithing or fast offering donation, or view your statements—all with a few clicks. Church funds are sacred. Christopher waddell, first counselor in the presiding bishopric, announced that the church will donate us$1 million to the american red cross to help relief efforts after deadly. Learn how to make online donations to the church of jesus christ using the eazypay payment gateway. Watch a video, find answers to common questions, and access other resources on. Learn how to make donations in kind, online, by bill pay, or at church headquarters. Find out the policy and principles, contact information, and steps for each method.
Automated donations simplify the donation process for donors. Transactions can be changed or stopped at any time. Learn how to use online donations and have access to your donation history, submit a tithing or fast offering donation, or view your statements—all with a few clicks. Church funds are sacred.